Saturday, January 27, 2018

The Journey Continues. . .

“For a seed to achieve its greatest expression, it must come completely undone. The shell cracks, its insides come out and everything changes. To someone who doesn't understand growth, it would look like complete destruction.”
 - Cynthia Occelli

When we started our infertility journey back in September 2016, we had been married a year and purchased our first home earlier that year. We were 2 seeds, freshly planted and setting down roots -- full of hope and dreaming about the babes we would raise. After enduring 16 months of invasive infertility and gynecologic oncology treatments, these 2 seeds were cracked open -- our insides had fallen out and we were forever changed.

You see..  during our initial infertility testing cancerous cells were found in my uterus- just a few years after finding cancerous cells in my cervix. After additional testing and surgical biopsies- our infertility team advised us to pause our treatment and undergo 6 months of gynecological oncology treatments.

Today, the cancerous cells are gone!

However, the hormones needed to continue our infertility treatments increases the odds of the cancer cells returning. Those odds are much too high for us to safely continue our infertility journey.

Over the past 16 months- we have grown independently and as a couple. We've learned that despite our inability to safely carry our own child - our journey to parenthood has not ended.

We have decided to grow our family thru Adoption!

We were recently accepted into a Domestic Infant Adoption Orientation Program that had a 2-year wait list! The Orientation is in Feb 2018 and takes 24 months on average to be placed once accepted. James and I will be writing a full blog post about our program in the weeks to come but for now, we are going to celebrate our growing family!

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