Thursday, May 24, 2012

DIY Dog Toys

So since we are on the topic of dog items. . . I thought I would share the project that I did last night! Right before the holidays, when we were officially addicted to Pinterest, some of the gals at the office and I started to have "Pinterest Night". The idea behind each night was that anything that we ate and or crafted had to come from Pinterest. Needless to say. . How can you go wrong, right???

Last night we had our usual gathering, my turn to host, and there were some awesome crafts completed! The craft I chose to complete was a Dog Rope Toy. Zoey LOVES the rope toys at my friends apartments and can be a bit of a bully at the dog park with the ones they have there. Only problem is, she loves to shred the strings beyond recognition! As a side note, Ill have you know, that this is the ONLY thing that she shreds :) I've heard horror stories of dog mommies having to pull strings from certain areas and some pups even having to have surgery to remove the blockage from there tummies! At that exact moment, James and I decided that we were going to do everything in our power to limit the amount of time she has with the rope toy!

I decided to take the left over t shirts from my produce bag project and cut them into strip and braid rope toys of my own! This not only saved me additional $$ ( $14-$30 retail per rope toy) but it also saved me the vet bills!

Directions: Even though its not necessary

1. Cut your strips of fabric so that you have aprox 6 t shirt strips 1-2 feet long. You may have to knot together smaller pieces to get the ultimate length you want.

*Note: when you braid the rope together it will shrink, so make sure its long enough to braid and tie x2 knots at either end!Also, t shirt fabric works best, regular fabric tears easily when tugged on by a puppy!

2. Take all of the pieces of fabric and form a  large knot at one end
3. Braid rope any way you please, making sure the braid is tight as you go
4. Knot your ropes individually or all at once like you did in Step 2

TA DA! ROPE TOY! Check out some of my pictures below! Zoey is in LOVE! And personally, I like the look of the ones I had to knot together to make long enough!

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